Asbestos is a known human carcinogen and can cause chronic lung disease as well as lung and other cancers.
Where can asbestos be found?
According to the EPA, the manufacture, importation, processing and distribution in commerce of these products, as well as some others not listed, are not banned. The list below does not include every product that may contain asbestos, but these are the most common.
- Automatic transmission components
- Brake blocks
- Ceiling tiles and spray-on coatings (acoustic and fireproofing)
- Cement corrugated sheet
- Cement flat sheet
- Cement pipe
- Cement shingle
- Clothing
- Clutch facings
- Disk brake pads
- Drum brake linings
- Floor tiles and vinyl flooring, backing and mastic
- Friction materials
- Gaskets
- Heat-resistant textiles
- Millboard
- Non-roofing coatings
- Pipe and boiler and duct coverings (thermal system insulation)
- Plaster, cement, putties and caulk
- Roof coatings
- Roofing felt
- Roofing, shingles and siding
- Textured paints
- Vermiculite attic insulation
- Vinyl floor tile
How can I tell whether a material has asbestos in it?
The EPA states that “you can't tell whether a material contains asbestos simply by looking at it, unless it is labeled. If in doubt, treat the material as if it contains asbestos and leave it alone. A trained and accredited asbestos professional should take samples for analysis, since a professional knows what to look for.”
See Hiring an Asbestos Professional for more information.